Jill Lee Ann’s Incredible 150lb Weight Loss Transformation Story & Guide!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Jill Lee Ann aka jillleeannsjourney_ on Instagram started her weight loss journey at over 350lbs and realised she had to make a change. One day she woke up and decide she didn’t want to keep going on this way and immediately started eating healthier and working out.
Jill was kind enough to detail exactly how she did it, listing an example of her daily meal plan and the weekly training that she did to help her lose almost half her bodyweight. Be sure to follow Jill on Instagram for more motivation and updates!
Weight Loss Diet:
Breakfast: Within an hour of waking up I make sure I have some sort of protein in my system. I usually do 2 boiled eggs and a protein shake or smoothie. A protein shake is 1 scoop of whey protein with almond milk and ice. If I do a smoothie I use frozen fruit with no added sugars, coconut water or 50 cal orange juice, 1 tsp of coconut oil, 1 tsp of honey and 1 cub of Greek yogurt with a few ice cubes.
Snack: Rice cake with PB
Lunch: Grilled chicken, green beans and a sweet potatoes or brown rice.
Snack 2: Veggie sticks and hummus.
Dinner: Haddock with a salad and brown rice.
I do not eat past 7pm and I may add in a quest bar after dinner or in replacement of a snack.
Other Snack Options:
1. Hard Boiled Egg and Sliced Veggies.
2. Sliced Apple and Almond Butter.
3. Natural, Low Sodium Jerky.
4. Seasonal Berries with a cup of Almonds.
Weight Loss Workout:
I work out 5 days a week. I do high intensity weight training M-F. If I miss a 5am workout I take a 60 minute spin class after work. My workout routine has changed dramatically since I first began my exercise routine. I originally started out with spin classes only for the simple fact that the class was dark I could hide on a bike in the back and I could get a good cardio workout. I lost about 80lbs alone just doing that but hit a plateau. I could not get over the plateau so I enlisted the help of a personal trainer who introduced me to high intensity weight training. I wish I started with this initially because I dropped 18lbs the first month and my body started to transform. I love a high intensity workout first thing in the morning.
Full Routine:
Monday: 4 Rounds of a leg circuit consisting of : 12 squats , 20 speed squats on the bench, Stairs with 2 squats on each step, 20 sumo squats, 20 lunges, 20 box jumps, 12 front squats. 30 minutes on the elliptical.
Tuesday: 4 Rounds – 15 Push ups, 20 Decline Press, 15 Chest Fly in and outs, 10 curls with 10 reverse shoulder press, 15 kettle squat press, 12 squat hand clean press, 30 sec treadmill, followed by 30 minutes on treadmill alternating with jogging and walking.
Wednesday: 4 sets 12 reps – Overhead squat : bent row, side to side medicine ball: curls, walking lunge with press: single row, Sit up with press: deadlift, Russian twist: meds in and out, running in place with press: t-bar row, Side to side squat press: triceps.
Thursday: 3 sets 20 squats, 30 lunges, 40 calf raises, 1 minute wall sit, 100 jumping jacks, 1 min wall sit, 40 SUMO squats, 30 leg raises, 20 squats. 30 minutes on elliptical.
Friday: 4 rounds, 15 box jumps, 4 square with 5 squats at each corner, 1 minute rage band, 20 squat jumps, 12 deadlifts, 1 minute treadmill, 15 bosu ball burpees, stairs. 30 minutes treadmill.
Jill Lee Ann Interview
Before Stats: Age 33 | Height 5’7 | Weight 355 | Size 24/26
After Stats: Age 36 | Height 5’7 | Weight 190 | Size 14
How Did You Put On The Weight?
I was heavy as a child and once I got pregnant with my first child my weight sky rocketed. I did little or no exercise and was not watching my portions. I was depressed about my weight and would delete any pictures of me. I was mortified when I was at a doctors appointment and when the doctor said I weighed over 350lbs I knew it was time for a change.
What Was Your Diet Like Originally?
I would eat large portions of food, typically in the morning I would eat a bagel with cream cheese, a large coffee with cream and sugar. Lunch and dinner, I thought I was being healthy by eating salads, but I would cover them in feta cheese, croutons, dressings and Syrian breads. Since I worked nightshift I would often eat snacks late at night and frequent fast food drive-thrus.
What Made You Start Getting Healthy?
One day I just woke up and decided I no longer wanted to live like this. I set my mind to making drastic changes in my life, starting with my eating. I started eating clean and exercising three days a week. I instantly started seeing results and never turned back except to see how far I had come.
When Did You Start Seeing Results?
I started seeing results within the first week. I had more energy and I lost 3lbs.
What Small Changes Do You Think Had The Biggest Impact?
The biggest small change was my eating habits. I eat 6 small meals a day. I cut out white breads, pastas and sugars. I try to mainly eat fresh food that is not packaged.
How Did You Stay Motivated?
I stay motivated knowing I am setting a better example for my kids. I keep pictures to see my progress and I do not just focus on the scale. It helps to know I am inspiring other people.
Were There Any Particular Tough Points On Your Journey?
My first real struggle was when I had reached a weight loss of 80lbs and I was faithful to my diet and exercise and could not lose another pound. It was so frustrating to me that I was doing everything right and the scale was not moving for months. I had to make drastic changes again in my lifestyle and it was so frustrating. Once I made changes and added in weight training the weight started to come off again.
What Advice Would You Give Someone Looking To Lose Weight?
It all starts with a mindset, once you are determined to change your life make daily changes to your routine. Never ever miss a Monday and celebrate successes other than the scale.
What Are Your Favourite Healthy/Weight Loss Recipes?
Everyone loves tacos! My favorite recipe is spicy chicken tacos. You can find the full recipe: here
How Do You Feel After Completing Such An Amazing Transformation?
I truly feel like a new person. I feel like I gained my life back. I feel proud that I am setting a good example for my children. I have raised thousands of dollars for charities doing spinathons, running 5ks and just helping people out with their goals. To me that means the most.
Jill Lee Ann’s Social Media:
Instagram: jillleeannsjourney_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jillleeann.lahey

Trimmed&Toned Team.