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How Brooke Oden Overcame A Brain Tumor To Lose Over 100 Pounds!

How Brooke Oden Overcame A Brain Tumor To Lose Over 100 Pounds!

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Brooke Oden has one of the most inspirational weight loss transformations that we have ever seen!

When we saw her transformation on Instagram, we knew we needed to find out more. After recovering from a brain tumor and life saving surgery, most people may forget about their fitness goals forever, but Brooke managed to get back on track.

Be sure to follow Brooke on her Instagram here: @brookeoden

“In 2011, I was diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor. I gained over 100lbs in 3 months due to it. After I had brain surgery to remove it, I lost 40-50 lbs off the bat. However, after 5 years of blaming my weight gain on my brain tumor, I finally decided to do something about it!

It has been 8 months of clean eating, cardio, and being self determined and dedicated. There are days when it’s hard and you want to revert back to your old ways but then I remind myself, I love what I see in the mirror and I would not trade that for the world!

Never will I go back to the old me! It is a lifestyle change but if you put your mind to it and overcome all the things telling you that you can’t do it, then you are golden. You owe it to yourself to be healthy and be the best you possible!

Don’t ever settle! Work it out and be awesome!! Do it for YOU! Always a process, always making more progress!”

How did You Put On The Weight Initially?

I had no eating habit changes. My body started changing on its own with over 100 lbs of weight gain and lactation in 3 months. Not really noticing the difference until I put on my size 10/11 jeans one day and they didn’t fit at all. Then the realization set in.

When Did You First Discover You Had A Tumor

I discovered I had the tumor when I was lactating. Knowing this was not normal, I made an appointment with my GYN Dr. With no results from him I then proceeded to an endocrinologist. Went through both an MRI and a CAT scan and there they found the tumor on my pituitary gland. This was the cause of my body (telling itself I was pregnant). This explained a lot including the weight gain, loss of period for 2 years and the lactation.

What Were You Feeling After The Diagnosis?

It was a relief to find out exactly what was wrong with me and that my weight gain was not caused by myself and my normal eating habits. It was a medical problem and I just wanted it taken out and fixed.

How Hard Was It To Get Back Into A Normal Routine?

Since it took me 5 years to get where I am now, it was difficult. I constantly blamed the tumor and after the removal, my life could have and should have gone back to normal. But… I enabled myself and placed blame on the tumor instead of myself. Although, it was the cause of the weight gain, I now had the ability to lose it on my own if I wanted it bad enough.

Finally, one day I walked into the bathroom looked at myself and re-evaluated what I wanted from myself and out of life. From there it all changed. My mindset changed, my eating habits changed, my physical exercise regimen changed and I DID IT!

Were There Any Problems That Continued To Affect How You Were Able To Diet And Workout?

After the removal, no. Before the removal no matter what I did, the weight went nowhere. After a year or so with no progress, I gave up and settled at that, I thought “this is my life”. I was always going to be a big girl and that was that. After the removal, I got serious 5 years later and here I am. It took me all of 8 months to lose 80lbs and I am so proud of myself and how I feel and look. It was a hard long journey but I did it!

The daily struggle to do right and eat right is always there but I don’t let it define me. What defines me is my strength and my persistence and my discipline to myself. I am so happy I took my life back, nothing negative defines me anymore.

What Was Your Diet And Training Like Originally?

My diet was low carb, mainly all protein and veggie diet with water only! My training was 30min of treadmill interval cardio 5-6 days a week!

What Was Your First Step?

The first thing I did was start cutting carbs and sugars!

See Also

What Is You Diet Like?

My diet now is still low carb but I add in a little more of what I restricted myself from before. Still keeping my intake less than my output! I continue to eat in moderation “fist size” no matter what!

What Is Your Training Plan?

I train doing cardio via kickboxing now 3-5 times a week for an hour each time! Let me tell you, way better than going to the gym!!! It’s fun, upbeat, and it doesn’t even feel like a “dreaded workout”! I love it!

What Are Your Favourite Healthy Meals?

My favorite healthy meals are Low Carb Taco Soup and Gluten Free Flatbread spinach and goat cheese pizza.

Recipe: KalynsKitchen.

What Keeps You Motivated?

What keeps me motivated are my before and after photos! The days when my “inner voice” tells me I look fat or I’m not doing so good I take a picture and compare to where I first started. Also, how good I feel now is definitely a plus! I feel like a brand new person!

What Tips Would You Give Someone Looking To Lose Weight Too?

Stick to it! Even if you’re not seeing progress like you want to you are taking the steps to a better life! There will be weeks when you may plateau but don’t give up! Your body will repay you for your hard work and dedication. Someone once told me,”where your motivation stops is where dedication starts.” Keep on pushing and do the best you can! You didn’t gain the weight overnight and you sure won’t lose it overnight either!

What Would You Do Differently If You Could Start Over?

I would do nothing differently. I love the way I feel! I love the way I look physically. I have come a long way to where I once was and I will never go back there again ! This life is yours to live! You only get one body so treat it right and be good to it !

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