151lbs Down! How Lisa Schlosberg Incredibly Lost Over Half Her Body Weight.

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Lisa Schlosberg, having been overweight her whole life, decided when she was 17 years old that she had to make a change to lose weight and get in shape. Her health and her future happiness was at stake, so she started making the right choices and the pounds started to come off!
Below, Lisa is kind enough to detail out her diet and workout plan for when she transformed her body, literally losing half her bodyweight, going from 302 pounds to 151 pounds and answers some of the most important questions that people need to know with an amazing weight loss story like hers.
Lisa Schlosberg’s Weight Loss Diet:
I started my weight loss journey with Jenny Craig, so I followed their prescribed meal plan comprised of pre-packaged food for months before taking the process into my own hands. The key was learning how to eat “small” (appropriate) portions and have all foods in moderation.
Lisa Schlosberg’s Weight Loss Workout:
When I first started my weight loss journey, my workouts were primarily cardio; I walked, I ran, I biked, I swam, and I used the gym for ellipticals, stair masters, and rowing machines. I just wanted to sweat, burn calories, and get the weight off as quick as possible. It took months before I began strength training, but now weight lifting is the center of my workout routines.
Before Stats: 18 years old, 5’5’’, 302 lbs
After Stats: 20 years old, 5’5’’, 150 lbs
How Did You Put On The Weight?
There was no such thing as “putting on the weight” for me – I was overweight my entire life. As soon as I was capable of feeding myself, I weighed more than I was supposed to.
How Did You Feel At Your Heaviest?
I did a pretty good job of ignoring and denying my obesity, so I didn’t “feel” heavy at my heaviest. I was physically uncomfortable in many situations, but I never let my weight limit my life or define me as a person, so I didn’t deal with the typical struggles that come with being overweight. When I committed myself to finally losing weight, however, I remember forcing myself to get over the overwhelming anger, sadness, regret and shame I felt about the huge hole I realized I had spent 18 years digging for myself.
What Was Your Diet Like Originally?
My diet growing up consisted of whatever I wanted, however much I wanted, whenever I wanted it. Straight up.
What Made You Start Getting Healthy?
Being overweight my entire life, I experienced countless moments every single day that reminded me I should try and lose weight. The older I got, the more overweight I was, so these experiences started to build up and they became harder to ignore. Climbing the stairs was difficult, getting dressed was complicated, and I found myself constantly worrying about whether the seatbelt was going to close or if I’d fit in the chair. But I do remember one specific moment: I was in an abnormally small bathroom stall at an airport in Australia. I recognized that it would be small for anyone, but I could barely fit. I was struggling to close the door, I sat down on the toilet, and started thinking about the situation I had created for myself. I thought to myself, “You’re 17 years old. This is no way to live your life. Please do something about this, and please do it soon.”
What Small Changes Do You Think Had The Biggest Impact?
It’s difficult for me to pinpoint “small” changes, because everything about my weight loss was (in hindsight, I know, too) extreme. I didn’t make any small changes – when I decided to attack my weight issue, there was nothing balanced or moderate about my approach. The most influential change I made was a mental one: I learned how my eating habits reflected my emotional state and I accepted the fact that I used food as a coping mechanism. I now know how psychology explains a lot about my own personal experience, and weight loss taught me the importance of embracing that and looking inward rather than reject it and perpetuating a state of denial.
How Did You Stay Motivated?
Of course there were times where giving up entered my mind, but never as more than a fleeting thought. There are three important things to remember when it comes to wanting to quit. The first is that you’re human; you can make mistakes and you can screw up. You can always fall off but that means you can also always get back on. The second is that the difficulty level doesn’t always stay the same; some days at the gym you will have an inexplicably terrible workout and some days you’re just starving from the minute you wake up to the minute you fall asleep without reason. These things happen but they don’t last, so keep calm and carry on. The third thing that really helped me, especially in the beginning, is thinking rationally. I kept thinking, “you’re overweight, and the only way to change that is by losing weight.” To me, I didn’t have a choice but to keep going. This goes along with keeping everything in perspective – one meal is just one meal and one day is just one day. You will wake up and start over.
Were There Any Particular Tough Points On Your Journey?
I hit a significant plateau that lasted for about an entire month and it was PAINFULLY frustrating. I decided that it would be a good idea to survive almost exclusively on vegetables; I started actually enjoying salads, so I ate them for every meal. Every morning I would wake up, weigh myself, and try to understand why that method wasn’t working. It takes some personal experience to realize that less is not actually more. When I was advised to add a significant amount of protein to my diet, the pounds started coming off again. I really believe that people can give you tips such as adding food to your diet, but until you see it making a change, it’s hard to believe it will work.
My plateau was, in hindsight, the greatest thing that happened to me during this entire process. Overlooking all the days my mood was completely destroyed because of it and all of the mental challenges that came with it, I realized how significant the plateau actually was: it was the first time I was eating right and exercising just because I should. I saw that no weight was coming off, and no matter what I was doing I wasn’t losing, but sticking with it and staying on track was the most rewarding thing because it was the first time in my life I was just simply taking care of myself. Then when the weight did start coming off, I had a whole new appreciation for working out and for healthy eating than I ever had before. The plateau ended and it brought with it the best of both worlds: eating well and exercising became valued as important things independent of weight loss, and then they helped the pounds come off again.
What Advice Would You Give Someone Looking To Lose Weight?
This process has taught me the incredible power of cultivating a relationship with yourself. Nobody and nothing can help you lose weight; you can take tips and hear inspirational stories, but the only way to do it is by talking yourself through it. You have the power to choose optimism over pessimism and positivity over negativity. Food and exercise are just means through which you’ll find success, but this process is almost entirely mental, and ultimately you’re the only one in control. It’s true what they say, “Once you can control your mind, you can control your body.” I’ve become my own nutritionist, my own personal trainer, my own support system, and my own best friend. Find it in yourself to do the same and you’ll become equally as unstoppable.
What Are Your Favourite Healthy/Weight Loss Recipes?
Over the last year I have gone from tolerating, then enjoying, to actually craving a good salad, and as a result I now eat a ton of vegetables. I make sure to include protein, usually egg whites, chicken, or turkey breast. Whole-wheat bread and thin sandwich slices add carbs, and olive oil, nuts, avocado are great for healthy fats.
How Does It Feel After Completing Such An Amazing Transformation & Inspiring So Many People On Your Instagram?
It’s truly unbelievable and I’m so incredibly grateful for the broad audience social media allows me to reach. I want everyone to know that I haven’t done anything they can’t do; I’m not a superhuman, I’m no different than anyone else, and I have no special powers. The physical process of weight loss is entirely mental, so if I can inspire people to cultivate a stronger and healthier mindset, I know I’m changing lives for the better. I feel like I’ve found a purpose in sharing my story (which is why I can’t wait to write and eventually publish a book. Please read my autobiographical memoir when it hits the shelves!).
For More Of Lisa Schlosberg Please Check Out Her:
Instagram: SchlossFit
Twitter: Schlossssdawg
I put together an online “magazine” with much more information and an in-depth version of my story: https://lschlos.wordpress.com/
Motivational Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLWlwgZGUSo

Trimmed&Toned Team.