14 Amazing Full Body Kettlebell Exercises To Burn Body Fat!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
Here are 14 of the best Kettlebell exercises ever to torch stomach fat and increase your fitness level! Some incredible full body moves that require multiple muscle groups to help you get a great workout in, in a short amount of time. Try out some of these in your next gym session.
When working with kettlebells, like any weighted exercise, it is important to maintain proper form throughout the whole motion. Keeping your back straight and in a balanced position. Keep the weight in your control at all times and raise and lower it in a smooth motion. Head up and looking forward where necessary and concentrate on feeling the contraction of the muscles you are working.
1. American Kettlebell Swing Technique
2. Around The World Technique
3. Goblet Squat Technique
4. Kettlebell Lunge Press Technique
5. Kettlebell Push Up Technique
6. Kettlebell “Manmaker” Technique
7. Kettlebell Overhead Squat Technique
8. Kettlebell Push Press Technique
9. Kettlebell Row Technique
10. Russian Kettlebell Swing Technique
11. Kettlebell Russian Twist Technique
12. Kettlebell Snatch Technique
13. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull Technique
14. Kettlebell Windmill Technique
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Trimmed&Toned Team.
Loving the straightforward visuals to explain technique. American KB swing is my preference opposed to Russian. It’s just more fun. 😉