Vlatka Dragic – Croatian Fitness Model & Personal Trainer Talks With T&T!

Trimmed&Toned Team.
How Did You Get Started In Health And Fitness?
I fell in love with healthy and fit lifestyle about 7 years ago!! I was so interested in changing my body beyond what others think they are able to achieve and so many people inspired me to just go for it. None of my friends were into fitness or competing, but I was so interested to see how I can change my body and look like one of those amazing fitness models in the magazines. I started learning so much about training,supplements and diets, and what works best for my body. I started out doing gymnastics my whole life from the age of 4, so I already had the discipline for training, knew I have to be consistent and believe in myself. I love eating clean and training 6 days a week, I couldn’t do it any other way! Training gave me a lot of confidence in myself and made me a healthier and happier person. I am always so positive and never look back!!
What Is Your Best Accomplishment So Far?
I have recently competed in Las Vegas at THE WBFF World Championships and placed really high in two categories – 4th in Bikini out of 120+ girls and 6th in Fitness out of 80+ girls. It was the most spectacular show and such an amazing experience! I got to meet top fitness models in the industry who are based in USA and I couldn’t believe they knew who I was and they came up to me. We all start somewhere and once we accomplish our goal and get recognised, it feels amazing!
I won Bikini Championships in Queensland, Australia past few years but competing in USA at a World’s show was my dream. I made that happen this year and it was just incredible!
I am also happy I made my dreams come true as I help other girls achieve their goals! I create personalised Diet, Supplement and Training Plans for girls around the world and have some amazing transformation stories! For enquiries you can email me at [email protected]
What Is It Like Competing?
I stay motivated by surrounding myself with positive people, competing and being close with my friends who are into fitness. As I know I have girls who look up to me, I need to make sure I am in great shape all year round. Healthy lifestyle makes me happy and I love the reward I get from it. I also compete twice a year so that keeps me going – I ensure my mindset is set on strict comp prep!
Competing is such a great experience, you get to test your mind and body what you can achieve and then celebrate your results on stage. I have so many people following my progress constantly and it is always fun to do more shows and get yourself out there!
What Workout Routine Has Worked Best For You?
I train 5-6 days a week and I love Supersets! I always keep my routine interesting, fast, effective and transformative!
Vlatka Dragic Workout Routine:
Monday – Legs
Tuesday – Upper body circuits: Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Wednesday – Abs
Thursday – Glutes
Friday – Upper body circuits: Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Saturday – Abs
Sunday – Rest day
Top 3 Favourite Exercises And Why?
I love Butt-Building 🙂 Legs and glutes are my favourite body parts to train and I always focus on working on those body parts and everything else just falls into place… 🙂
My favourite exercises: Smith machine deep squats, Plie Dumbbell Squat, Overhead Barbell Squat.
Favourite Form Of Cardio?
I always do moderate intensity cardio. I go for my early morning beach power walks every single day with my puppy before breakfast! During comp prep, I also sometimes do night time cardio at the gym. This usually consists of moderate intensity cardio on the cross trainer with added intervals, 30seconds on Level 11 followed by 60 seconds on Level 5. I found this type of cardio works best for me.
What Is Your Diet Like?
My diet is full of lean protein, clean carbohydrates, and healthy fats!
I have plenty of: almond paste, avocado, steak, seafood, chicken breast, green vegetables: broccoli, green beans, asparagus and cabbage, brown rice, sweet potatoes and oats.
I always keep my diet clean and have one cheat meal every weekend. When I’m preparing for a competition, my diet is every strict and all of my food is measured. I try to always keep it consistent as the final result is so worth it!
Any Staple Healthy Meals That You Always Eat?
I love cooking but I do keep it pretty simple. My favourite meal would be steak, chicken or kangaroo on the BBQ using chilli and spices, summer green salad and avocado!
Healthy treat that I eat every day in the afternoon when I feel like something naughty is: Mix 1 tbs Almond Paste or Natural Almond Butter, 2 Tbs raw oats, 1/2 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder (I use Isomorph WPI by APS) and add little water. Once mixed together tastes like sweet nutty chocolate paste! It is completely quilt free and completely delicious!
What Food Would We Find In Your Fridge?
Avocado, Kangaroo patties, Steak, Salmon, Chicken breast, Eggs, Tuna cans, Garlic, Pepsi Max, Water and Green vegetables: broccoli, green beans, asparagus and green cabbage
What Supplements Do You Use?
I am lucky enough to be sponsored by Flush Fitness – biggest Australian supplement distributor, so I use a lot of their amazing supplements on daily basis.
Isomorph WPI by APS lean protein powder
Musclewerks D-fine8 fat burner
Black Bombs by DY Pre-workout
Vitamin C
PrimaForce Taurine
Chaind’ Out BCAA’s
Fish Oils
What Are Your Tips For Success For Beginners (General Advice)?
Make sure you are drinking at least 3L of water per day
Stick to a nice clean diet and training, they need to work hand in hand!
Be consistent and don’t give up! Make it a lifestyle!
What Is The Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given?
Change in your diet & training program is always good!
When you start a new training routine or diet, you are challenging your body to change! When you repeat it a number of times, your brain adapts to the skill and it doesn’t have to work as hard at performing it!
Change your exercises, the intensity, the format, the number of reps / sets, the length of your rest period.
Be open to change and trying new things!
Your Abs Are Amazing! What Are Your Favorite Ab Exercises?
My favourite Ab exercises are:
Ab Roller
Bench bent knee – hip raise
Cable crunch
Your Best Tips For Losing Those Last Few Pounds?
Don’t guess things or listen to any personal trainer out here.
Speak to a professional in the fitness industry – someone you look up to, someone who has abs and physique you are trying to achieve as they will be the best to give you the right advice.
I help a lot of girls I inspire as they want to achieve same goals I have achieved. I have been there many times and always give them all my knowledge to help them be a better version of themselves!
Give Your Best 3 Health Tips That People Can Implement Instantly:
1. Don’t buy any unhealthy food at the supermarket. Ever!
2. Eat clean during week days and allow yourself a relaxed meal on Saturday night… and a dessert!
3. Do weight training and cardio at least 5 days a week. Make it a priority.
Where Does Your Motivation Come From?
Speaking to and looking at amazing fitness models in USA! Girls like Jen Jewell, Vanessa Tib and Ingrid Romero are so inspiring, they look incredible but most of all are nice and down to earth. They speak to me and are always so nice.
For More Of Vlatka Please Check Out
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
From: Zagreb, Croatia
Contact Info:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @vlatkadragic
YouTube Fitness Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OMiKZLnw7g
# of clients: 50 Personal Training clients at Empire Fitness Centre / 5,000+ clients online
Rates : For Personal Training packages, Beach Boot Camp Packages or Diet, Supplement and Training Plans email me [email protected]
Sponsors: Flush Fitness – largest supplement supplier in Australia and SunTanOn Tanning

Trimmed&Toned Team.